
Monday Mai 05, 2014
Start: 05/05/2014 23:01

Sky Hill PRO/light/TYPE Competition 2014  is an architecture contest  that aims to provide an opportunity for students to propose innovative solutions on a real theme and  may then to carry them out of the team's splitting up the design and implementation of watching finished product.

Short Story

Wednesday Mai 28, 2014
Start: 05/28/2014 10:46

Friday Mai 30, 2014
Start: 05/30/2014 10:00

30 mai - 1 iunie, str. Lipscani colț cu str. Ion Brezoianu

Saturday Mai 31, 2014

30 mai - 1 iunie, str. Lipscani colț cu str. Ion Brezoianu

Sunday Iunie 01, 2014
Start: 05/30/2014 10:00
End: 06/01/2014 19:00

30 mai - 1 iunie, str. Lipscani colț cu str. Ion Brezoianu